Health, Safety and Environment

General Safety Training Series

The courses cover types of hazards that may be encountered, how to recognize them and how to avoid them

From distracted driving to industrial ergonomics, preventing fires to reducing stress, our General Safety products address issues that affect employees in their day-to-day job functions so they can work better and safer. The series contains a powerful combination of audio, full-motion video, text and colourful graphics.

The courses are divided into a number of logical sections, each with its own quiz, so information is easily understood. The interactive formats allow trainers to collect employee performance information which can be organized through a powerful relational database and provides recordkeeping and tracking report capabilities.

The DVD programs contain a Presenter’s Guide, Employee Quizzes, Scheduling and Attendance Forms, and Training Certificates.

Languages: Programs are available in English and Spanish.

Formats: Web-based E-learning / DVD / Micro Learning (3-5 minute courses) / Adaptive-Learning

General Safety Training Programs

General Safety

The Active Shooter: Surviving an Attack training course provides step-by-step explanations of the survival techniques that law enforcement agencies recommend to help people get through an active shooter incident safely.

Topics Covered

  • Preparing for the unpredictable
  • Recognizing and surviving an attack
  • Running from a shooter
  • Hiding from a shooter
  • Fighting a shooter
  • What to do when the police arrive

The Back Safety course discusses situations that can lead to back injuries and what employees can do to avoid them both at work and at home.

Topics Covered

  • The structure of the back
  • Sources of back pain and injuries
  • The importance of good posture
  • How to lift objects without injuring your back
  • Developing healthy habits to keep your back pain-free

Micro-Learning Curriculum

  • The Back and How It Works
  • Types of Back Injuries
  • Better Posture for a Healthier Back
  • How to Lift Things Safely
  • Taking Care of Your Back 24/7

Fear, anger, frustration, humiliation and helplessness are feelings that shouldn’t be part of anyone’s job description. But they can be common in workplaces where bullying and other disruptive behavior is an issue. The Bullying and Other Disruptive Behavior: for Employees course provides the information employees need to understand this type of behavior and know how to shut it down when it occurs.

Topics Covered

  • Workplace bullies and what they do
  • The effects of workplace bullying
  • How to handle a workplace bully
  • Other disruptive behavior
  • Defusing disruptive behavior

Bullying and other forms of disruptive behavior on the job can interfere with the functioning of the workplace, disturb and threaten coworkers and can affect their health and well being. The Bullying and Other Disruptive Behavior: for Managers and Supervisors course provides the information they need to help prevent this type of behavior in their department and deal with it when it does happen.

Topics Covered

  • Bullying and its effects
  • Other disruptive behavior
  • Coaching” your department about bullying and disruption
  • Handling a report of bullying or other disruption
  • Informal responses” and “Awareness Intervention
  • Additional levels of intervention

The Coronavirus: Guarding Against COVID-19 online training course discusses COVID-19 hazards and the safe practices that the World Health Organization, the Centers for Disease Control and other healthcare authorities recommend that you follow to avoid them.

Topics Covered

  • The Coronavirus, what it is and how it spreads
  • Vaccination, testing and contact tracing
  • Hand washing and touch discipline
  • Social distancing and respiratory etiquette
  • What to do if you think you’re getting sick
  • Returning to work during the pandemic

The Distracted Driving training course provides the information employees need to drive cars, vans, and small trucks safely, both on and off the job. The module explains how employees can avoid distracted driving behaviors and how to deal with distracted drivers they may be sharing the road with.

Topics Covered

  • The Cost of Distracted Driving
  • Types of Distractions
  • Cell Phones
  • Eliminating Distractions Before You Drive
  • Fighting Distraction on the Road

Micro-Learning Curriculum

  • The Cost of Distracted Driving
  • Technology and Distraction
  • Cell Phones
  • Eliminating Distractions Before You Drive
  • Fighting Distraction on the Road

The Diversity in the Workplace for Employees course discusses diversity, the obstacles that can prevent people from accepting it, and what employees can do to embrace and encourage diversity in their workplace.

Topics Covered

  • What is diversity?
  • The benefits of a diverse workplace
  • Stereotyping, bias and discrimination
  • Building diversity skills

The Diversity in the Workplace for Managers and Supervisors training course discusses diversity, the obstacles that can prevent people from accepting it, and what managers and supervisors can do to embrace and encourage diversity in their department.

Topics Covered

  • What is diversity?
  • The benefits of a diverse workplace
  • Stereotyping, bias and discrimination
  • Making a personal commitment to diversity
  • Promoting diversity in your department

The Driving Defensively safety training course provides the information employees need to drive cars, vans, and small trucks defensively, both on and off the job. The module explains how employees can stay safe on the road by knowing how to handle problems that can be caused by other drivers and common road hazards.

Topics Covered

  • The basics of driving defensively
  • The road hazards that are commonly encountered while driving
  • Driving safely when sharing the road with trucks and buses
  • How to avoid distracted driving and road rage
  • Setting up a safe following distance
  • Preparing a vehicle for driving in bad weather
  • Techniques that can be used to drive safely under challenging conditions

Micro-Learning Curriculum

  • The Basics
  • Dealing with Distracted Drivers
  • Coping with Aggressive Drivers
  • Using Your Headlights
  • Driving Safely in Bad Weather
  • Handling a Blowout
  • Sharing the Road with Trucks and Buses

Each year motor vehicle accidents claim more than two million lives worldwide and result in tens of millions serious injuries. In fact, they are the number one cause of death on the job.

Employees can prevent these incidents if they understand how to deal with the hazards that they can encounter on the road, whether they result from mechanical problems, bad weather, darkness, distraction, other drivers or even themselves.

If employees approach driving with this knowledge, as well as the proper attitude, good driving skills and a well-maintained vehicle, they can help to prevent accidents and injuries and make the roads a safer place for everyone.

Topics Covered

  • Preparing to drive safely
  • Safe driving principles for all drivers
  • Driving safely when sharing the road with trucks and buses
  • Staying safe when driving at night and in inclement weather
  • Avoiding distractions when you are driving
  • The dangers of road rage
  • What to do if a driving emergency arises

Micro-Learning Curriculum

  • Preparing to Drive Safely
  • General Safe Driving Principles
  • Driving Around Trucks and Buses
  • Night Driving and Adverse Weather Conditions
  • Distracted Driving
  • Road Rage
  • Driving Emergencies

With the right skills, a well-maintained vehicle and the right attitude towards driving, employees can make the roads a safer place for everyone.

Topics Covered

  • Preparing to drive safely
  • The fundamentals of safe driving
  • Driving safely when sharing the road with different types of vehicles
  • Staying safe when driving at night and in inclement weather
  • Road rage and distracted driving
  • What to do if there is an emergency

Micro-Learning Curriculum

  • Preparing to Drive Safely
  • Driving Fundamentals
  • Driving With Other Vehicles
  • Driving at Night and in Bad Weather
  • Distracted Driving and Road Rage
  • Handling an Emergency

Substance abuse directly affects the user’s personality, health and ability to function safely in a workplace. It can also decrease productivity, create a hostile work environment and damage their company’s reputation. The Dealing with Drug and Alcohol Abuse for Employees course discusses the hazards of substance abuse, how employees can avoid them and what they can do to help keep their workplace drug and alcohol-free.

Topics Covered

  • Substances that are often abused
  • Alcohol, marijuana and other depressants
  • Stimulants and narcotics
  • How people get hooked
  • Drug dependency
  • Becoming a substance abuser
  • Alcohol and drug policies
  • Overcoming substance abuse

The Dealing with Drug and Alcohol Abuse for Managers and Supervisors course discusses drug and alcohol abuse, the damage it causes to workers and the businesses that employ them, and what should be done to create and maintain a drug and alcohol-free workplace.

Topics Covered

  • How substance abuse can affect a workplace
  • What substances are abused?
  • Laws you need to know about
  • Creating a drug and alcohol-free workplace
  • Substance abuse education and testing
  • Recognizing on-the-job substance abuse
  • Handling substance abuse situations

The Emergency Planning course discusses the types of emergencies that can occur in any environment and how employees should respond during an emergency.

Topics Covered

  • Creating an Emergency Plan
  • The threat of terrorism
  • Active shooter situations
  • Your role in emergency planning
  • The process of emergency action drills
  • Playing your part in emergency action drills

The Evacuation Procedures course discusses Emergency Response Plans, evacuation routes, and communication protocols. It also provides practical guidance on how to respond during an emergency, including how to assist others and how to evacuate safely.

Topics Covered

  • Role of the evacuation team
  • How to prepare for an emergency
  • Basic evacuation procedures
  • Evacuating multi-story buildings
  • How to cope with fires and explosions
  • How to handle an active shooter situation

The Fighting Fatigue in the Workplace module discusses the causes of fatigue, the hazards that it creates and what employees can do to avoid it.

Topics Covered

  • What fatigue is and what causes it
  • The hazards of fatigue
  • Reducing fatigue in the workplace
  • How “sleep hygiene” can help
  • The role of healthy diet and exercise

The Fitness and Wellness training course provides employees with the information, understanding and inspiration they need to achieve the benefits of a healthier lifestyle. It shows them how to set and reach reasonable goals while eliminating bad habits that can hold them back.

Topics Covered

  • Eating right
  • Exercise
  • Stress
  • Smoking
  • Alcohol and drug use

The Handling a Sexual Harassment Investigation course provides managers and supervisors with the information they need to identify sexual harassment in their departments, gather facts about an incident of harassment and resolve the situation fairly.

Topics Covered

  • What is sexual harassment?
  • Company policy and preventing harassment
  • Conducting an ethical investigation
  • Beginning an investigation
  • Gathering the facts
  • Resolving the situation

The Hazard Communication in Auto Service Environments course discusses the requirements of the HAZCOM Standard, the hazards that can be associated with different types of HAZMATs, and what employees can do to avoid these hazards.

Topics Covered

  • Sources of HAZMAT information
  • Exposure to hazardous materials
  • Different types of HAZMATs
  • Personal protective equipment and safe storage
  • Responding to a HAZMAT spill

Micro-Learning Curriculum

  • Sources of HAZMAT Information
  • Exposure to HAZMATs
  • Toxins, Corrosives and Irritants
  • Carcinogens and Radioactive Materials
  • Flammables, Combustibles and Oxidizers
  • PPE and Safe Storage
  • Responding To a Spill

The Hazard Communication in Cleaning and Maintenance Environments course discusses the requirements of the HAZCOM Standard, the hazards that can be associated with different types of HAZMATs, and what employees can do to avoid these hazards.

Topics Covered

  • Sources of HAZMAT information
  • Exposure to hazardous materials
  • Different types of HAZMATs
  • Personal protective equipment and safe storage
  • Responding to a HAZMAT spill

Micro-Learning Curriculum

  • Sources of HAZMAT Information
  • Exposure to HAZMATs
  • Toxins, Corrosives and Irritants
  • Carcinogens and Radioactive Materials
  • Flammables, Combustibles and Oxidizers
  • PPE and Safe Storage
  • Responding To a Spill

The Hazard Communication in Hospitality Environments course discusses the requirements of the HAZCOM Standard, the hazards that can be associated with different types of HAZMATs, and what employees can do to avoid these hazards.

Topics Covered

  • Sources of HAZMAT information
  • Exposure to hazardous materials
  • Different types of HAZMATs
  • Personal protective equipment and safe storage
  • Responding to a HAZMAT spill

Micro-Learning Curriculum

  • Sources of HAZMAT Information
  • Exposure to HAZMATs
  • Toxins, Corrosives and Irritants
  • Carcinogens and Radioactive Materials
  • Flammables, Combustibles and Oxidizers
  • PPE and Safe Storage
  • Responding To a Spill

The Heat Stress training course discusses how the body’s cooling system operates and responds to heat, types of heat-related illnesses and how to treat them, and how to prepare to work in hot environments safely. It also provides guidance on how to engineer controls for hot environments.

Topics Covered

  • How heat affects the body’s cooling system
  • Types of heat-related illnesses and their symptoms
  • Treating heat-related illnesses
  • How to prepare for working in hot environments
  • How to engineer controls for hot environments

The OSHA Recordkeeping for Employees course discusses what makes a work-related injury or illness recordable, the most common types of work-related injuries, and reminds employees that their employer is prohibited from discriminating against anyone who reports a work-related fatality, injury or illness or files a safety and health complaint.

Topics Covered

  • The OSHA recordkeeping rule
  • Recordable vs. non-recordable work-related injuries and illnesses
  • Reporting requirements
  • Using OSHA forms 300, 300A and 301

The OSHA Recordkeeping for Managers and Supervisors course discusses how to identify work-related injuries and illnesses and the requirements for reporting them. The course also includes the OSHA forms that should be used to report various types of injuries and illnesses, the timelines for filing them and employee rights under the regulations.

Topics Covered

  • The importance of recordkeeping
  • What constitutes an injury and illness
  • The definition of work-related and new cases
  • Using OSHA forms 300, 300A and 301
  • Who must file OSHA reports
  • Employee rights and time critical reporting

Preventing Sexual and Other Forms of Harassment for California Employees satisfies this new training requirement, helps employees recognize sexual and other forms of harassment, and discusses how to deal with them. 

Topics Covered

  • The types of harassment employees may encounter in the workplace
  • Why it is important to take reports of harassment seriously
  • The effects that even subtle harassment can have on its victims
  • What an employer must do if they receive a report of harassment

The Preventing Sexual Harassment for Employees course provides employees with the information they need to help prevent sexual harassment in their workplace and deal with it effectively if it does occur.

Topics Covered

  • What is sexual harassment
  • Understanding offensive behavior
  • Company policy and appropriate conduct
  • What if someone crosses the line?
  • Reporting a sexual harassment incident

The Preventing Sexual Harassment for Managers and Supervisors course provides them with the information they need to identify situations that could lead to sexual harassment, help prevent harassment in their departments, and deal with it effectively if it does occur.

Topics Covered

  • What is sexual harassment?
  • Company policy and offensive behavior
  • Sexual harassment in your department
  • Handling a report of sexual harassment
  • The “fact finding” process

The Preventing Sexual Harassment for Supervisors in California course discusses the transgender rights requirements in the updated California regulations.

Topics Covered

  • How sexual harassment in the workplace affects employees and the companies they work for
  • What types of behavior are considered to be sexually harassing
  • What California’s sexual harassment regulations require
  • How to prevent sexual harassment in a workplace
  • How to conduct an effective and ethical investigation of reported sexual harassment
  • How to resolve a case of sexual harassment in a fair and just way

The Preventing Workplace Discrimination for Employees course discusses different types of discriminatory behavior, its causes and what employees can do to prevent it in their workplace.

Topics Covered

  • Discrimination and the law
  • Company policy and discriminatory behavior
  • How to respond to discrimination
  • Reporting workplace discrimination

The Preventing Workplace Discrimination for Managers and Supervisors course discusses different types of discriminatory behavior, the laws and policies that have been established to fight it, and what managers and supervisors can do prevent it in their department.

Topics Covered

  • Discrimination, the workplace and the law
  • Discrimination and company policy
  • Preventing discrimination in your department
  • Handling a report about workplace discrimination
  • The fact finding process

From organizing a practical work schedule to using COVID-safe policies and practices on the job, returning to the workplace during the coronavirus pandemic creates new challenges for employees at all levels of an organization.

Topics Covered

  • Getting yourself ready to return to the workplace
  • Your new facility
  • Working in your new facility

The Returning to Work During the Coronavirus Pandemic for Managers and Supervisors course discusses workplace challenges and what managers and supervisors can do to address them.

Topics Covered

  • Creating a plan
  • Conducting a job risk analysis
  • Setting up the workplace
  • Preparing your people

The Safe Lifting discusses how lifting and carrying things can affect the back, and how employees can use safe lifting techniques to help them avoid back injuries.

Topics Covered

  • The mechanics of safe lifting
  • How to listen to your back
  • Types of back injuries
  • Preparing to lift something in a way that protects your back
  • How to keep your back safe when you’re lifting below the waist

Micro-Learning Curriculum

  • The Back’s Structure and Function
  • Preparing for a Lift
  • The Mechanics of Safe Lifting
  • Below the Waist Lifting
  • Planning a Carry

The Safety Housekeeping and Accident Prevention course gives employees the knowledge and the tools that they need to stay focused and work safely.

Topics Covered

  • How to develop a good safety attitude
  • How to maintain a safe work environment
  • The correct use of tools and equipment
  • Recognizing and storing hazardous materials
  • Cleaning up and disposing of hazardous materials after a spill
  • Selecting the right personal protective equipment for the job

The Safety Orientation course contains information employees need to create and maintain a safe and healthy workplace.

Topics Covered

  • How to prepare mentally for the job
  • Safety housekeeping and accident prevention
  • The proper selection and use of personal protective equipment
  • Safe work practices
  • How to prepare for emergencies

The three part series on sexual harassment was created specifically to assist employers in training their managers and employees to recognize, avoid, investigate and prevent sexual harassment in the workplace.

Topics Covered

  • Preventing Sexual Harassment for Employees
  • Preventing Sexual Harassment for Managers and Supervisors
  • Handling a Sexual Harassment Investigation

The Slips, Trips and Falls course contains valuable information about how to identify, avoid and prevent hazards that cause slips, trips and falls and what employees can do to prevent them at work and at home.

Topics Covered

  • How your center of gravity affects your balance and stability
  • Defining slips, trips and falls
  • How to navigate walking surfaces safely
  • Footwear that will help to prevent slips, trips and falls
  • How to fall properly

Micro-Learning Curriculum

  • Center of Gravity and Maintaining Balance
  • Slips, Trips and Falls
  • Walking Surfaces
  • Housekeeping and Maintenance
  • Footwear
  • How to Fall Properly and First Aid

The Unconscious Bias course discusses how to figure out what your unconscious biases are, the effect they can have on your business, and what you can do to overcome them.

Topics Covered

  • What is Unconscious Bias?
  • The Business Effect of Bias
  • Racial, Ethnic and Name Bias
  • Gender and Sexual Orientation Bias
  • Age and Disability Bias
  • Identifying and Mitigating Unconscious Bias

Micro-Learning Curriculum

  • What is Unconscious Bias?
  • The Business Effect of Bias
  • Racial, Ethnic and Name” Bias
  • Gender and Sexual Orientation Bias
  • Age and Disability Bias
  • Identifying and Mitigating Unconscious Bias

The Universal Waste course discusses the types of hazardous materials that are considered to be universal waste, and how to handle and dispose of them according to the EPA Universal Waste Regulation.

Topics Covered

  • The types of materials that are considered to be universal waste
  • Procedures for handling and transporting universal waste items
  • How to store, handle and dispose of universal waste materials safely
  • The regulatory requirements for working with and disposing of universal waste

Micro-Learning Curriculum

  • The Basics
  • Batteries
  • Pesticides
  • Mercury-Containing Equipment
  • Lamps
  • Aerosol Cans

The Walking and Working Surfaces course discusses the hazards that are associated with different walking surfaces that employees can encounter on the job, and provides practical information required to protect themselves from harm.

Topics Covered

  • Hazards associated with different walking and working surfaces
  • How to stay safe when navigating floors and walkways
  • Safety requirements for stairways and fixed ladders
  • Properly inspecting and setting up a portable ladder
  • Types of fall protection that are used on a scaffold

Micro-Learning Curriculum

  • The Fundamentals of Safe Surfaces
  • Walkways and Floors
  • Stairs and Fixed Ladders
  • Portable Ladders
  • Scaffolding

The Winter Safety course reviews the hazards that winter can bring and discusses how to enjoy the season safely.

Topics Covered

  • How to keep warm in the cold
  • Driving safely in sloppy weather
  • Having fun and staying safe outdoors
  • Avoiding the hazards of holiday decorations
  • Celebrating the season responsibly

The COVID-19 quarantine has forced many people to set up their work spaces at home. The Working From Home online course discusses the challenges and what people can do to deal with them and alleviate some of the stresses associated with home working environments.

Topics Covered

  • Creating a home workspace
  • Structuring your work day
  • Managing your time
  • Maintaining personal wellness

The Workplace Security course discusses the importance of workplace security, how to identify vulnerabilities in your facility, and the types of policies that need to be included in an organization’s Workplace Security Program.

Topics Covered

  • Identifying security issues and vulnerabilities
  • Strengthening physical security: doors, glass and locks
  • Strengthening physical security: lighting, surveillance and alarms
  • Cybersecurity: Safeguarding company information
  • Controlling access and monitoring visitors
  • Dealing with workplace violence

The Workplace Stress course helps employees identify potentially stressful situations and learn how to cope with them.

Topics Covered

  • Situations causing stress
  • Positive versus negative stress
  • Recognizing symptoms of stress
  • Effects of stress on the mind and body
  • Eliminating stress factors
  • Stress-relieving exercises

The Workplace Violence course contains valuable information about how to recognize, prevent and handle violence in various work environments. This course features video and terminology that shows the environment and operations of a specific industry.

Topics Covered

  • Defining violence in your workplace
  • Warning signs that violence is going to occur
  • How to handle aggressive behavior
  • How to deal with violent behavior
  • Creating a Workplace
  • Violence Prevention Program

Micro-Learning Curriculum

  • What is Violence?
  • Warning Signs
  • Handling Aggressive Behavior
  • Dealing with Violent Behavior
  • Creating a Workplace
  • Violence Prevention Program

The Workplace Violence for California Employees course discusses the different types of violence employees can encounter in the workplace, the warning signs they can look for, and how to handle aggressive or violent behavior if it does occur. The course also provides practical guidance on how to help implement a Workplace Violence Prevention Plan that complies with California’s SB553 Bill.

Topics Covered

  • The definition of violence
  • How to recognize signs of potential violence
  • Handling aggressive behavior
  • How to deal with violent behavior
  • Implementing a Workplace Violence Prevention Plan

The Workplace Violence for California Managers and Supervisors course discusses the different types of violence that can occur in the workplace, how to anticipate violence, and how to handle aggressive and violent behavior. It also provides practical guidance on how to create and implement a Workplace Violence Prevention Plan that complies with California’s SB553 Bill.

Topics Covered

  • The definition of violence
  • How to recognize signs of potential violence
  • Handling aggressive behavior
  • How to deal with violent behavior
  • Implementing a Workplace Violence Prevention Plan