The award winning HAZWOPER Training Series provides employees with information the OSHA Regulation requires them to receive to work safely with hazardous substances, particularly in cleanup operations. By combining various programs in the series, training packages can be configured to help meet all of the OSHA HAZWOPER training requirements.
The courses are divided into a number of logical sections, each with its own quiz, so information is easily understood. The interactive formats allow trainers to collect employee performance information which can be organized through a powerful relational database and provides record keeping and tracking report capabilities.
The DVD programs contain a Presenter’s Guide, Employee Quizzes, Scheduling and Attendance Forms, and Training Certificates.
Languages: Programs are available in English and Spanish.
The HAZWOPER Annual Retraining Package provides employees with the information they need to refresh their understanding of the HAZWOPER regulation, as well as the major areas covered by the regulation. The four programs in the Series are used as the basis for the eight hours of annual retraining mandated by OSHA.
The HAZWOPER: 40-Hour Training Package provides employees with the information they need to understand the major areas covered by the regulation. The package of twenty programs provides the comprehensive information needed by employees who are exposed to hazardous substances as a routine part of their jobs, the people who supervise and manage them, and the HAZMAT Incident Commander.
The HAZWOPER: Emergency Response, Awareness Package provides employees with the information they need to understand the major areas covered by the regulation. The package of two programs thoroughly covers information that every HAZMAT worker should know.
The HAZWOPER: Emergency Response: HAZMAT Technician Package provides employees with the information they need to understand the major areas covered by the regulation. The package of eleven programs provides the basis for the special training required for HAZMAT Technicians.
The HAZWOPER: Emergency Response: Operations Package provides employees with the information they need to understand the major areas covered by the regulation. The package of four programs is aimed at workers who contain HAZMAT releases.
The HAZWOPER: General Training Package provides employees with the information they need to understand the major areas covered by the regulation. The package of twelve courses provides the basis for the special training required by OSHA for HAZMAT employees who are unlikely to be exposed to hazards in excess of permissible exposure limits.
The HAZWOPER: Supplemental Training Package provides employees with the information they need to understand the major areas covered by the regulation. The package of eight programs is aimed at workers who must wear respirators, or who have already had general 24-hour training and are moving to jobs requiring them to complete 40-hour training.
The All 23 HAZWOPER Program Package assists facilities in complying with the employee training requirements of OSHA’s HAZWOPER regulation (29 CFR 1910.120), and helps employees avoid exposure to hazardous materials. This package provides the comprehensive information needed by employees who are exposed to hazardous substances as a routine part of their jobs, the people who supervise and manage them, as well as HAZMAT Incident Commanders.
The HAZWOPER: Accidental Release Measures and Spill Cleanup Procedures Program discusses the plans and procedures necessary to safely contain and cleanup a hazardous materials spill.
The HAZWOPER: Confined Space Entry course helps employees understand how to reduce or eliminate potential exposure to hazardous materials in confined space work environments.
The HAZWOPER: Dealing With The Media In Emergency Situations program helps employees understand the importance of building a good relationship with the media and how to deal with the media during an emergency situation.
The HAZWOPER: Decontamination Procedures program helps employees understand how to reduce or eliminate potential exposure to hazardous materials in their work environments.
The HAZWOPER: Electrical Safety in HAZMAT Environments program helps employees to understand the hazards associated with the presence of uncontrolled energy in hazardous materials environments, and how to reduce or eliminate these potential hazards.
The HAZWOPER: The Emergency Response Plan program helps employees understand how emergency planning can reduce or eliminate potential exposure to hazardous materials in crisis situations.
The HAZWOPER: Exposure Monitoring and Medical Surveillance program discusses various types of exposure monitoring equipment and techniques. The product also reviews the concept of medical surveillance and how it is used to evaluate the health of anyone who regularly works around hazardous materials.
The HAZWOPER: Fire Prevention program helps employees to understand the special hazards that can be created when hazardous materials catch fire and what can be done to help prevent this from occurring.
The HAZWOPER: Handling Hazardous Materials program helps employees to understand the nature and behaviour of hazardous chemicals, and how to reduce or eliminate potential exposure to hazardous materials in their work environments.
The HAZWOPER: HAZMAT Labeling course helps employees understand different labeling systems and how to use these systems to reduce or eliminate potential exposure to hazardous materials in their work environments.
The HAZWOPER: Heat Stress course helps employees understand the need to guard against heat-related illnesses and what steps they can take to protect themselves in their work environments.
The Introduction to HAZWOPER Retraining course reminds employees who deal with hazardous materials of the importance of identifying, evaluating and controlling chemical hazards.
The HAZWOPER: Medical Surveillance course discusses various types of medical surveillance and how it is used to evaluate the health of anyone who regularly works around hazardous materials.
The HAZWOPER: Monitoring Procedures and Equipment course discusses the importance of detecting hazardous materials, as well as the equipment and procedures used in the process.
The HAZWOPER: Personal Protective Equipment course instructs employees on the selection and use of personal protective equipment (such as chemical protective clothing and respirators) in environments where hazardous materials are present.
The HAZWOPER: Personal Protective Equipment and Decontamination Procedures course instructs employees on the appropriate use of personal protective equipment (such as chemical protective clothing) as well as how to remove contaminants that accumulates on clothing and equipment.
The HAZWOPER: Respiratory Protection course helps employees understand how the use of respiratory protection can help to reduce or eliminate potential exposure to hazardous materials in their work environments.
The HAZWOPER: Safety Data Sheets course educates employees about the Safety Data Sheets format and reviews how the information in an SDS can assist them to work safely with potentially hazardous chemicals.
The HAZWOPER: Safety Orientation course helps employees understand how to reduce or eliminate potential exposure to hazardous materials in their work environments.
The HAZWOPER: The Site Safety and Health Plan course discusses various types of medical surveillance and how it is used to evaluate the health of anyone who regularly works around hazardous materials.
The HAZWOPER: Understanding Chemical Hazards course introduces employees to chemical hazard regulations and provides training on the various types of hazardous chemicals found in industrial environments.
The Understanding HAZWOPER course is designed to explain the regulations and to help employees begin to reduce or eliminate potential exposure to hazardous materials in their work environments.
The HAZWOPER: Work Practices and Engineering Controls course helps employees to understand the nature and behavior of hazardous chemicals, and how to reduce or eliminate potential exposure to hazardous materials in their work environments through the use of work practices and engineering controls.