NERC System Operations

Programs and services that prepares System Operators for NERC Operator Certification Exam, provides approved Continuing Education for NERC Certified System Operators assessment and maintenance services.

Preparation for NERC Operator Certification Exams and Continuing Education

Electric System Operator programs and services available for the North American Power Industry includes: NERC System Operator Exam Prep; NERC CE Hour Accreditation; Electric System Operator Training and Simulation; Classroom Training; Train-The-Trainer Instructor-Led Programs; Compliance Services and Software for NERC Reliability Standards for Gap Analysis; Audit Preparation and Mock Audits.

All programs and services adhere to the NERC continuing education program criteria.


Preparation for NERC Operator Certification Exams

A comprehensive suite of programs and services are available for the preparation of the NERC System Operators Certification Exams.

These Include:
  • Electric Power System Reliability Text
  • NERC System Operator Certification Exam Prep DVD Series
  • OPS-X Module I concentrating on Load and Generation balance, ACE, AGC and voltage control
  • Advanced OPS-X exercises (Modules 2 – 7) featuring contingency analysis, congestion management and system protection
  • 3 or 4 day Classroom instruction at your site (minimum 10 attendees)

NERC System Operator Continuing Education

Comprehensive training options for System Operators to gain CE Hours accreditation as mandated by NERC include the highly interactive and engaging online Simulator and classroom instruction programs, which focus on the latest adult learning concepts. All programs and services adhere to the NERC continuing education program criteria.

Simulator Program provides:
  • 56 CEHs
  • 56 Emergency Operations Hours
  • 51 NERC Standard Hours
  • 44 Simulation Hours towards NERC System Operation Certification Requirements
Classroom Instruction provides:
  • 3 day course: 24 CE Hours
  • 4 day course: 32 CE Hours
NERC Systems Operations

A detailed textbook presenting a new perspective on power system fundamentals within the context of the NERC Reliability Standards. This perspective is designed to frame each standard so that it is better understood and the information can be more easily assimilated by power system operating personnel. Sample questions at the end of many chapters further help in preparation for the NERC Operator Certification exams.

  • Organized into comprehensive chapters, each addressing a fundamental of Power System Reliability
  • Standards are presented in the context of the appropriate power system fundamentals which has been designed to provide the technical information required to understand the Standards and provide relevance and perspective to highlight the purpose of each standard or group of standards
  • This presentation format is designed to frame each group of standards so that information can be easily assimilated and retained by electric system operating personnel
  • Each chapter is designed around a fundamental of Power System Reliability and its associated NERC Standards
  • Background information is presented to explain the purpose, intent and technical relevance of the Standards in that group
  • Key requirements of the Standards are summarized
  • Any remaining requirements from the Standards group are presented for completeness
  • Questions are presented at the end of most chapters to allow the reader to test for comprehension
  • Chapter contains a description of the details of the NERC System Operator exams and the process for registering for those exams
  • Includes updated CIP Standards

This 7 module DVD series was produced during one a 5 day, 40 hour NERC System Operator Exam preparation classroom sessions and provides 25 hours of viewing time. It is a combination of classroom lecture, simulation and NERC sample exam question review.


  • Resource and Demand Balancing
  • Voltage Control and Reactive Power
  • Power System Disturbance and Contingency Response
  • Reliability Operating Limits and Reliability Coordination
  • Transmission Congestion
  • Emergency Operations
  • Power System Restoration
  • Transmission System Operations
  • Interchange
  • Transmission Planning
  • Cyber Infrastructure
  • Communications
  • Personnel Performance, Training and Qualifications
  • Facilities Design, Connections and Maintenance
  • Nuclear Plant Interface Coordination
  • Power System Stability
  • Power System Simulation

OPS-X presents Power System Operator training in a hands-on simulation environment. The program educates and provides system operators with experience with a wide range of scenarios from power system fundamentals to system emergencies. OPS-X is organized into 7 distinct simulation modules each with its own learning objectives.

The objective of the program is to place power system operators out of their comfort zone, in unfamiliar circumstances, with a skinny power system, at faster than real time to develop and test instincts and reactions. System simulations greatly enhance their training experience and improves their retention of the material.

Each module is approved for 8 NERC CE hours and varying numbers of Standards and Simulation hours. Each Exercise targets a specific area of Power System Operation. A text presentation describes the basics of the relevant operating principles and the Exercise objectives. These principles are then put into motion in faster than real-time power system simulations. Operators must respond to changing power system conditions to keep the system within basic operating parameters. Each Operator receives a score based upon their ability to respond correctly to the changing conditions.

The interactive simulator program has been designed to meet NERC Standards EOP-005 and PER-005 simulation and training requirements. OPS-X meets the NERC annual requirement for System Emergency Operations training and is approved under the new Expanded Operator Certification Program.

The Series provides:

  • 56 CEHs
  • 56 Emergency Operations Hours
  • 51 NERC Standard Hours
  • 44 Simulation Hours towards NERC System Operation Certification Requirements


  • AC Systems
  • EHV Operations
  • Congestion Management
  • Power System Restoration
  • Transmission System Operations
  • Balancing Authority Operations
  • Emergency Operations

OPS-X Module I includes 6 computer-based simulation based exercises featuring load and generation balancing, ACE, AGC, AVR operation and voltage control. These exercises further enhance the fundamentals and standards presented in our text. Completion of the exercises will broaden your understanding and dramatically increase your retention of the material.

The Advanced OPS-X Simulator also includes 6 advanced simulation modules (29 exercises) targeted at contingency analysis, congestion management, system restoration and transmission system operation to enhance and broaden your understanding of the principles of power system operation and NERC standards. This is the most rigorous training available and the most rewarding. OPS-X Module I is a pre-requisite.

The OPS-X Simulator is available on CD-ROM format and runs on a stand-alone PC. The Simulation training can be taken as a self-paced, independent study OR it can be used in a team/role playing environment.


  • Enhances system reliability
  • Helps personnel meet NERC training requirements
  • Provides in-depth concepts of economic dispatch, load and generation balance, line loading, and voltage control
  • Helps reduce system operating costs and increase revenues

A three or four day classroom workshop includes content and exercises taught from Electric Power System Reliability Text and enhanced with simulator training at your site. Courses are designed for Electric System Operator Training and preparation for the NERC System Operator Certification Exams. Courses can be customized to meet your specific requirements. Each course offers either 24 or 32 CEHs. Small course groups of at least 10 participants, ensures a fast learning pace amongst all attendees.

All training is NERC approved and can be applied to the new NERC Expanded Operator Certification Program and meets the NERC Emergency Operations training requirements, Also the courses provides an excellent foundation in Power System Fundamentals for the new NERC System Operator Certification Exam.

The Train-The-Trainer Instructor-Led Program covers six comprehensive topics and is designed to enhance the capabilities of the SME’s consistent with a Systematic Approach to Training (SAT) as required by NERC Reliability Standard PER-005.


NERC Reliability Standards
  • History
  • Overview of Current Standards
  • Importance of Mandatory and Enforceable
PER Standards
  • Review of Evolution of PER Standards
  • PER-005
Systematic Approach To Training (SAT)
  • Overview
  • ADDIE Process
The Continuing Education Administrative Manual
  • ILA
  • Key Elements of a CE Learning Activity
Presentation Skills
  • Identify Target Audience
  • KNOW your material
  • Identify delivery Methods
  • Establish Credibility with Audience
  • Motivate Your Audience
  • Presentation organization, structure and flow
  • Mock Presentation with videotape supplement
Learning Assessment And Course Evaluation
  • Purpose
  • Required Structure

Our specialized services include assisting organizations with the extent and degree of compliance and establish the procedures and infrastructure needed to meet the new reliability standards and requirements mandated by NERC, FERC and the DOE. Our team is skilled in the preparation of mock audits and help companies prepare on how to respond to auditors’ inquiries.

Our team of subject matter experts have successfully guided organizations through NERC audits with 100% satisfaction. All audits have resulted in findings of “NO VIOLATIONS”.

Our specialists can conduct two and three day onsite compliance assessments and audits to assist companies to determine the extent to which they comply with the applicable NERC Standards. The assessment will provide a complete list of your procedures and measures that address the NERC Standards and the areas where additional documentation is required.

The Requirements Management Software is an Excel-based program which identifies the requirements that apply to you and lets you set priorities to improve compliance based upon risk. The Software also manages the processes and procedures that are necessary for compliance. The Software is updated quarterly to reflect new Standards and other developments.

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