Advanced training and software to facilitate complex and sophisticated water and wastewater treatment processes and operations.
GPS-X is the most advanced tool for the mathematical modeling, control, optimization and management of wastewater treatment plants. GPS-X offers a user-friendly, robust, customizable, high speed platform with calibrated models and the most comprehensive suite of unit processes. It includes leading edge Influent Advisor, Advanced Controllers, Optimizer, Sensitivity Analysis, Scenario Manager and Statistical Analysis tools.
GPS-X contains the largest collection of unit process models, covering a wide range of treatment technologies used in the liquid and solids treatment trains. The comprehensive database of unit processes allows users to easily assemble any treatment plant configuration, enter wastewater characterization data and conduct simulation studies quickly.
Combined with a plant-specific SCADA-like interface, GPS-X models can be used as an interactive training tool for treatment plant staff:
SimuWorks is an industry first – a flight-simulator for water and wastewater treatment plants. Utilizing customized operator interfaces, SimuWorks presents views and functionality familiar to operators and administrators alike in a platform that accurately simulates the behaviour of a specific plant.
There are different incarnations of the SimuWorks platform depending on an organization’s requirements– OpToolPro is the out-of-the-box version or customized version to represent a specific plant.
OpToolPro – Out-of-the-box version of SimuWorks. A tool to allow operators to explore the causal relationships between operational settings and the effect on performance of an activated sludge treatment facility.
OpTool Pro is a generic virtual activated sludge treatment wastewater facility using a calibrated plant model as an underlying computational engine. The facility includes preliminary treatment systems, primary clarification, a two-train activated sludge process, secondary clarifiers, thickener and sludge disposal. The platform features both training and testing modes.
Standard – This platform provides a direct replication of a bird’s eye view of your actual water or wastewater treatment facility. The graphical interface and output schemes is similar to OpTool Pro. Key operations at the facility are dutifully captured. The development of the simulator is based on steady state calibration using average values of key parameters.
(CAS) – Applicable to conventional activated sludge systems using any technology (e.g. ASP, SBR, Oxidation ditch etc.).
(Media) – Applicable to systems that also include fixed film media based processes (e.g. MBBR, IFAS, etc.).
All solids handling facilities and liquid recycles in the plant are included in the system development.
Advanced – The graphical interface and output schemes is customized based on your requirement (bird’s eye view, SCADA look-and-feel or other graphics).
Applicable to systems that can include fixed film media based processes (e.g., MBBR, IFAS, etc.), this platform dutifully captures key operations at your facility.
The simulator includes scenarios specified by you, and provides you with the ability to develop additional scenarios.
Steady – The development of the simulator is based on a calibration done using average values of key parameters.
Dynamic – The development of the simulator is based on a calibration done using dynamic values of key parameters.
These site specific calibrated models, deployed within customized operator interfaces or dashboards, offer:
SimuWorks can be deployed as a complete life-size replica of a specific control room, set-up as a mobile control room for regional training with a library of various plant models, used in more traditional multi-station classroom environments or loaded on individual workstations.
SimuWorksTM is a state of the art operator training and development platform that allows instructors to train and evaluate new or existing operators in a controlled and safe environment. The training can offer actual SCADA or customized look interfaces tied to the plant models that closely simulate actual plant behaviour. The training offers exposure to many simple or highly complex scenarios within a realistic environment but with no risk to actual plant performance.
Since the trainees can operate the virtual plant in the same manner they would the real plant (e.g. have access to the same operational control parameters, such as DO set-points and sludge wastage), learning is systematic and adopted well. Site-specific models have been used to train operators on such topics as step-feeding during storm events, troubleshooting nitrification/denitrification and what to do during periods of poor settling.
SimuWorks offers a platform for fast and efficient testing and validation of any number of plant optimization or upgrade possibilities without putting the plant at risk. Operators, engineers, management or any other user type can evaluate new technologies, test new operational control strategies, run “what-if” scenarios (capacity, flow rates, chemical dosing, energy usage, etc.) and more. The implementation of SimuWorks can promote a better understanding of plant control at all levels within an organization
SimuWorks becomes an important part of the planning process for projects. By simulating various scenarios around downtime for plant maintenance or modifications, potential risks can be identified and optimum project planning achieved.
The tool allows users to build a plant, select contaminants and observe emissions. Toxchem is mainly used for estimating VOC air emissions from wastewater collection, preliminary/primary/secondary treatment and disposal facilities. The site specific wastewater characteristics, contaminant properties and the process design and operating information are used to estimate VOC emission rates.
In addition to air emission estimates, Toxchem can also be used to estimate the concentrations / loads of contaminants in the water effluent, or oil and residual solids streams.
Toxchem is based on fundamental mass transfer equations and mass balances including the removal mechanism of stripping and volatilization, biodegradation and sorption. Thus, it can also be used to determine the fate of any synthetic chemical compounds for which the physical, chemical and biodegrading properties are known.
Typical applications could be in assessing the fate of chemicals for the REACH legislations in EU or studying the fate of Endocrine Disrupting Compounds in wastewater treatment plants.
Experience a broader modelling capability with Toxchem’s comprehensive contaminants database which includes the compound properties as specified in the EPA WATER9 model database and an extensive array of endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) and pharmaceutical and personal care products (PPCPs).
Toxchem includes an extensive database of semi-volatile and volatile organic compounds (VOC) and their relevant properties for stripping, sorption, biodegradation, etc.
The database also includes a suite of metals so that the fate of a number of metals, including mercury and silver, can be followed through both liquid and solids handling processes. Applications can include tracking metals from influent wastewater through clarifier underflows, dewatering and drying processes, and incineration.
If a desired VOC isn’t present or you wish to experiment how different properties affect the emission rates, you are able to create your own organic chemical compounds and modify the properties accordingly.
CapdetWorks is the industry’s only software tool for fast and accurate preliminary design and cost estimation of wastewater treatment plant construction projects. The tool helps to eliminate cumbersome and time-consuming spreadsheet-based design algorithms.
Simply drag-and-drop unit processes to build a plant schematic with CapdetWorks and it will design the plant and estimate the costs to build, operate and maintain the facility.
By quickly and easily building multiple treatment alternatives to compare relative costs, your planning-level design and costing productivity improves dramatically, leading to better engineering decisions. CapdetWorks utilizes industry-accepted design algorithms to derive the required unit process designs. Sophisticated unit cost estimation techniques are used to size and cost all treatment processes.